How can I change the theme or skin for my grid like you do in demo?

You can do so by changing the theme parameter in your shortcode via shortcode or generator. The available themes can be light, light-compact, dark, dark-extended. Here are a few examples:

[gridfx theme="light-compact"]

[gridfx theme="dark"]

You can also create custom theme by creating a custom theme.php file in your templates/themes/ folder.

I want to make a gallery from media attachments stored in a specific category.

First you need to create a media category under Media library and assign the photos you want to show in a gallery to that category. The plugin offers taxonomy and category support for image attachments. Let us say that you have media category containing 10 photos and you want to showcase them in a grid/gallery, the category id is 34 (example) use the following shortcode to show your gallery.

[gridfx posttypes=attachment include_terms=34]

I want to customize the width of grid.

By default, the width of your grid will take 100% width of its container. So If your content width is 1000px, the grid will use that space. It is responsive and dynamic to its parent element width. However you can control the width of your grid by utilizing the following option in shortcode:

[gridfx items_container_width=60]

The width is percent-based so 60 means 60% of its parent, 80 means 80% of its parent. If your wrapper is wide enough (full-screen for example) you can use this to create a beautiful centered grid effect like on some demos here.

I want to change the number of columns. Which option I should use?

You can change the number of default columns in grid by customizing the columns parameter. Here is an example:

Display two columns per row

[gridfx columns=2]

Display six columns per row

[gridfx columns=6]

Be careful, your columns number must be logical and relative to your grid size, a 600px grid WILL not look good with 6 columns beside each other. The number of columns is responsive for small screens, so the plugin will automatically adjust/make them fit based on device width.

I want to display a specific list of posts into grid. How can I do that?

You can do that by using the postids parameter in your shortcode. This parameter can accept a comma seperated list of IDs, no matter which category, post type, or taxonomy they are in. You can show mixed content by mixing the post IDs and show only a specific gallery.

For example, if we had the posts number 1,5,10,25,30,40 and we wanted to show these posts only in our gallery, we will need to use this shortcode:

[gridfx postids="1,5,10,25,30,40"]

The above shortcode will display only specific posts in your grid.

How can I create video items or gallery?

You only need a valid video URL (e.g. in your post content. The first video URL will be used as your media item in a gallery. You do not need to insert iframes, objects, or anything. just the video URL. A post with valid vimeo URL will be automatically converted to media item in your gallery.

To display your videos category for example, use a shortcode like this:

[gridfx include_terms=Video_cat_id]

How can I create a photo gallery from attachments in one specific post?

You can display attachments or gallery from one post only by specifying a post_parent attribute in your shortcode. Get the ID of the post which includes attachment and you want to showcase, say that post ID is 90. Use the following shortcode to showcase gallery for that specific post:

[gridfx posttypes=attachment post_parent=90]

I want to show standard posts from category A

You need to know the category ID, and use the following shortcode:

[gridfx include_terms=category_A_ID]

The shortcode above will limit your grid to posts within category A only. If you need to use a custom post-type, then you need to define your custom post type in the shortcode like this:

[gridfx include_terms=X posttypes=my_custom_type]

More detailed examples, tips, and how-to’s are located in the Tips & Tricks page. This was just a basic startup guide.